Detective Police Inspector Momoh Musa Gba, the Line Manager of the Family Support Unit (FSU) at the Pujehun Police Division, provided updates on the unit’s operations in an exclusive interview. Since assuming office in August last year, Gba highlighted the unit’s commitment to serving the community’s best interests.
Gallinas, Kpanga, and Pejeh were identified as chiefdoms with increased crime rates. Gba noted that the FSU has received only two sexual assault cases since his tenure began. He expressed concern about the prevalence of domestic violence in Pujehun District, emphasizing that women reporting cases against men is alarmingly high.
Despite this, Gba mentioned that only three domestic violence cases have been reported by men, and those cases were won after legal advice from the principal state council. He cautioned individuals impersonating to be working with the FSU to cease such unlawful acts.
Reassuring the community, Gba emphasized the FSU’s commitment to collaborating with line ministries in Pujehun District to create a safe environment for women and girls. The unit plans to conduct extensive sensitization campaigns in schools, markets, and public places, focusing on domestic violence and other abuses against women and children.
Gba issued a stern warning against compromising sexual penetration matters, stating that offenders could face a minimum jail term of 10 years or a fine of 10,000 leones, depending on the judge’s ruling if found guilty. He also disclosed the FSU’s plan to build a counseling center and called on stakeholders in Pujehun District to support the unit in constructing a permanent building for this purpose.