Renowned lawyer and entertainment figure Abubakarr Turay, popularly known as Kabaka, has shared joyful news with his followers, announcing the birth of his daughter.
In a heartfelt message posted on social media, Kabaka expressed gratitude, saying,
“To God alone be all the glory. Excited to inform you all that my wife safely delivered a bouncing baby girl this morning. Finally got a birthday month mate. And yes, dis na Lastina.”
The birth of their daughter comes at an exciting time for the family, as Kabaka’s wife, Hawa Turay, also known as Hawawa, was recently appointed Chief Executive Officer of ECOFEST, one of Africa’s most prominent festivals celebrating culture and artistry.
Her leadership will guide the highly anticipated “Illumination Edition” of ECOFEST, scheduled for December 20th and 21st, 2024.
Hawa’s new role at ECOFEST is seen as a major milestone for the festival, which has grown into a cultural powerhouse in the African entertainment scene.
With her at the helm, the upcoming edition is expected to bring even more vibrancy and international recognition to African talent.