Residents of Kailahun are expressing growing frustration over the delay of a government-funded electricity project launched over two years ago. The project, initiated by President Julius Maada Bio through the Ministry of Energy, aimed to bring electricity to the district headquarters town for the first time in forty years.

Despite the project’s launch, residents have yet to see the light of day. In response to public concerns, Victor Kundu Sengu, chairman of the District Budget Oversight Committee, stated that the project is 80% complete but has stalled for unexplained reasons.

Citizens are particularly dismayed by the delay’s impact on businesses. Mustapha Tommy, a local youth leader, lamented the lack of progress, stating, “There’s no street light, no electricity, no water, and nobody to respond to our questions.”

Adding to the confusion, residents point out that President Bio switched on electricity during a campaign visit. However, the lights were soon turned off, and damaged poles from a windstorm have raised concerns about the project’s sustainability.

Lansana Soko, another concerned youth, emphasized the importance of electricity for Kailahun’s development. “Light is one of the major facilities we need to transform Kailahun into a city,” he said. Soko urged the government to intervene and address the persistent light constraints.

Residents remain hopeful that President Bio’s administration will deliver on its development promises for Kailahun.