Nick Wood, an American-born individual who adopted the name “Krio Borbor” due to his affection for Sierra Leone, has recently took to social media to express his frustration and anger towards individuals who have been gossiping and criticizing his decision to learn diamond processing.
He questions why these critics, who are not even present in Sierra Leone, are passing judgment without firsthand experience of life there. Unlike them, Krio Borbor, an American citizen, resides in Sierra Leone with his wife and children.
He revealed that since his arrival, he hasn’t earned any money in Sierra Leone. On the contrary, he has been spending money on various expenses, such as purchasing two cars, renting an apartment, and dining in restaurants. Additionally, he emphasized that he contributes to the country’s economy by bringing money from abroad, even though he doesn’t generate income within the country.
While Krio Borbor acknowledged that he currently doesn’t engage in making money in sierra leone, he expressed his intentions to pursue it in the future.
He lamented the fact that certain individuals choose to criticize and gossip about him simply because they dislike him. He pointed out that these critics, who are mostly based in America and Europe, don’t contribute anything to Sierra Leone, but instead flaunt their achievements while undermining their fellow Sierra Leoneans.
Although Krio Borbor recognized that he is familiar with many of these critics and their lack of substantial accomplishments, he opted not to delve into those matters. He emphasized that his decision to learn diamond processing stems from his desire to pass on the knowledge and experience to his children.
Nick Wood is an American-born individual who adopted the name “Krio Borbor” due to his affection for Sierra Leone,
Originally from Utah, USA, Nick Wood, also known as Krio Borbor, developed a deep affection for Sierra Leone and its culture during his visit to the country in 2010. Since then, he has immersed himself in the local culture and traditions, becoming proficient in the Sierra Leonean dialect known as Krio.
In March of this year, Nick announced on social media his decision to relocate his entire family to Sierra Leone, seeking to provide them with an invaluable experience that money cannot buy.
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It’s really a big shame. He relocated because of the love he has for this country and the culture. Leave him alone