29 Years Old Peter Needs Le80,000 (80,000,000) For Surgical Operations
Lifeguard Children’s Foundation is soliciting financial support for Peter Mansaray whose life is in critical health condition and he needs surgical operations.
Peter is a 29 years old man who sat to the 2022 WASSCE at the Rainbow Secondary School in Mile 91 involved in a car accident.
An X-ray has been conducted at the Connaught Hospital which showed that Peter has a spinal cord injury and referred to Life Care Hospital for surgery.
The fee for the surgical operations is Eighty Thousand Leones in the New Leones (NLe80,000) which is Eighty Million Leones in the Old Leones (OLe80,000,000).
Currently, the family cannot afford the fee for the operations. So Lifeguard Children’s Foundation in collaboration with the family is kindly requesting for your financial support.
In this worthy cause, any amount you can provided is everything.
Lifeguard Children’s Foundation in collaboration with the family of Peter is kindly asking for a humanitarian support.