October 28th, 2023 marked the final day of Air France’s operations in Sierra Leone. The airline bid adieu with its last flight departing from Freetown International Airport, heading to Paris via Guinea Conakry. This departure came following the airline’s earlier announcement of the suspension of its services at FNA due to persistently low passenger numbers, resulting in substantial financial losses.

For over two decades, Air France has been a prominent contributor to Sierra Leone’s tourism and aviation sector, aiding the government in job creation and bolstering the country’s revenue through tax payments. However, the dwindling profitability rendered the continuation of operations unviable, causing the regrettable cessation of services.

This development has significantly impacted Sierra Leone, particularly amidst the recent inauguration of the country’s state-of-the-art airport. The absence of Air France not only stands as a substantial loss but also raises concerns about reduced competition among the limited airlines operating within the nation.

The reduced competition might precipitate higher ticket prices for passengers traveling in and out of Freetown International Airport. This increase in costs could potentially burden travelers, posing a concern for the accessibility and affordability of air travel in and out of Sierra Leone.

The discontinuation of Air France’s services is a setback for the nation’s aviation industry, casting a shadow over the immediate future of air travel within Sierra Leone. As the country navigates this change, stakeholders are left contemplating the impact on both the economy and the ease of travel for its citizens and visitors.