A photo circulating on social media shows a man in a Sierra Leone Police Operational Support Division (OSD) uniform holding what appears to be drugs.

The substance has been speculated to be “kush,” a dangerous drug currently impacting negatively among Sierra Leone’s youth.

The photo has sparked public concern, particularly due to the man’s apparent affiliation with the police force. Many express disappointment, highlighting the negative influence such an act could have and the damage it inflicts on the police department’s reputation.

This comes just a day after the Inspector General of the Sierra Leone Police, William Fayia Sellu, delivered a compelling address, advocating for stringent measures to counter the proliferation of illicit drugs, particularly Kush, within the nation.

During the committee meeting held on March 18, 2024, at committee room one in the Sierra Leone Parliament, Sellu underscored the urgent need for the government to establish a fast-track court dedicated to prosecuting drug traffickers swiftly and effectively.

Sellu articulated that the battle against Kush and other deleterious substances necessitates a multifaceted approach, with the judiciary playing a pivotal role. He emphasized that the establishment of a specialized court would expedite legal proceedings, ensuring that perpetrators are promptly brought to justice.