The struggle for justice for 12-year-old Jebbeh Sovula continues as the Mandu Chiefdom, in collaboration with the people of Kailahun, honors her memory.

Sovula was tragically shot and killed by a gunman at the boundary between Baiima Mandu and Jawei Chiefdom in Kailahun District.

The “Mandu Classroom,” a group of like-minded individuals from Mandu Chiefdom, organized a three-day funeral procession from June 28 to 30, 2024, at the Baiima town barray in Mandu Chiefdom. The event marked the 40th day since Sovula’s passing and included prayers for all who have suffered similar atrocities in the Chiefdom.

The theme, “Never Again,” attracted representatives from humanitarian, academic, and civil society organizations, including the Southern Region Women’s Forum (SRWEN), Initiatives for Women’s Empowerment and Peace Promotion (IWEPP SL), the Sierra Leone Police, and the Kailahun District Descendants Association (KAIDDA).

In his opening remarks, Chairman Momoh Juana, Program Manager for the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) SLCDDII Project, emphasized the call for justice for Jebbeh Sovula. He expressed condolences to her family and the Chiefdom and acknowledged the efforts of the Mandu Classroom and other partners.

Paramount Chief David Farley Keili-Coomber IV of Mandu Chiefdom urged community members to report child abuse, sexual harassment, and other crimes, warning that any chief who compromises on these issues would face indefinite suspension. He praised the efforts of the local police and neighboring Jawei Chiefdom’s Paramount Chief Musa Ngombuklua Kallon II in handling the situation and affirmed his commitment to seeking justice for Sovula.

Paramount Chief Kallon II of Jawei Chiefdom expressed his deep concern over the incident, noting his personal connection to Mandu Chiefdom. He committed to closely following the investigation until its conclusion.

The Mandu Classroom and other supporters donated NLe5000 to Sovula’s family. Chief Alfred Brima Kamara Wai of Mandu Chiefdom called for collective action to prevent such incidents from recurring, emphasizing that the tragedy affects everyone in the community.

Local Unit Commander Daniel Lansana of the Daru Division reported that the prime suspect, Abdulai Kallon, was arrested in Motehun village while attempting to escape. The suspects initially arrested have been released on bail but are still assisting with the investigation. Lansana urged the community to remain patient and peaceful.

Hon. Hawa Roseline Siaffa, Member of Parliament for Constituency 005, condemned harmful practices and stressed the importance of proper parenting. She criticized the community’s response to Sovula’s death and assured that those responsible would be exposed and prosecuted.

Marie Jalloh, District Coordinator for IWEPP SL, highlighted the challenges facing child protection in Mandu Chiefdom and called on parents and the community to protect children from abuse.

Senesey Momoh, representing the Mandu Classroom, described the group’s mission to address gender-based violence and social injustices. He called on key stakeholders to support investigations into the deaths of Jebbeh Sovula and Baindu Bockarie, a woman killed in 2018.

The event concluded with a tribute song and drama by pupils of Baiima Christian’s Academy, an ecumenical service, and the announcement of pledges and donations for the Jebbeh Sovula memorial project.

Jebbeh Sovula was found dead on May 16, 2024, at the boundary between Mandu and Jawei Chiefdom. Initial postmortem findings suggested gang-rape and murder, but a subsequent autopsy by Dr. Simon O. Koroma revealed she was shot with a “Chakabula” gun. The investigation continues, with the prime suspect in custody. No official report on his guilt or innocence has been released to the public.