The Paramount Chief of Kafe Chiefdom – PC Dr. Masakma Madibie II has on the 18th November 2023 officially endorsed and inaugurated Chairman of the Tonkolili District Council of Paramount Chiefs in Magburaka town.

Being the rightful claimant of the Masakma Madibie ruling in Kafe, PC Masakma Madibie was elected Paramount Chief on May 29th, 2022.

Months after his election, Chief Masakma was made Acting District Chairman of the Council of Paramount Chiefs in Tonkolili District.

Having acted for a year, Chief Masakma who is believed to be one of the country’s highly educated traditional rulers with PhD was officially announced as the Tonkolili District Chairman of the Council of Paramount Chiefs and inaugurated in an occasion attended by the nineteen Regent and Paramount Chiefs across Tonkolili District and other stakeholders from different works of life.

Saidu Momoh, the District Officer of Tonkolili described the occasion as historic because he said the man at the helm of affairs of the Council in the District is not only a force to reckon with but a symbol of unity whose unwavering commitment to moving society forward is always intact.

Momoh said Chiefs are the guardians of customs and traditions and they must be held in high esteem.

Paramount Chief Dr. Masakma Madibie II, in his inaugural speech, thanked colleague Paramount Chiefs for what he says is the confidence reposed in him to lead the Council in his district.

As their Chairman, PC Masakma said he is going to uphold the values of Chieftaincy and promote unity.

He called for unity and cohesion among Paramount chiefs.

“This is a moment to unite as Chiefs to work for the progress of the country,” Chief Masakma stated.

During the inauguration, there were representatives from the security sector, the media, civil society, and among others.

Speaker after speaker emphasizes the need for unity and the depoliticization of the Chieftaincy institution.

PC Alhaji Musa Bamba Foray Kulio Jalloh III is Deputizing PC Dr. Masakma and several other Paramount Chiefs also hold key executive positions.