The Kono District Football Association (KDFA), led by Chairman Abu Bakarr Mansaray, successfully concluded their highly anticipated inter-chiefdom gala competition on April 10th, 2024, at the Koidu Community Football Field. In a thrilling final match, Nimikoro Chiefdom emerged victorious over Sandor Chiefdom with a close score of 3-2.
Chairman Mansaray expressed his elation in an exclusive interview, stating that this tournament marks the beginning of his vision for Kono coming to life.
He emphasized the competition’s role in fostering unity among the district’s chiefdoms through football. The event boasted a remarkable turnout, with an estimated 60% of the district’s population in attendance, including traditional leaders, political figures, government representatives, and prominent business figures.
The competition commenced with all 14 chiefdoms from Kono District participating, and after a series of matches, Nimikoro Chiefdom emerged as the champions.
Chairman Mansaray also acknowledged the recent Veterans Competition’s success, where the Koeyor Veterans team secured victory over the Koidu Veterans. Both the Nimikoro Chiefdom team and the Koeyor Veterans were presented with their medals during the closing ceremony.
Chairman Mansaray expressed his gratitude to the Kono District authorities for their unwavering support and called for continued collaboration to achieve the KDFA’s goals.
Congratulations to my chiefdom, the great Nimini hill.
However, let me make this correction: the spelling should be NIMIKOR AND not NIMIKORO. NIMIKOR means under the NIMINI. (Hill).