In a commendable act of generosity, Paramount Chief Prince Lapia Boima of Kakua Chiefdom presented a much-needed gift to the Sierra Leone Police on Monday, 29th January 2024.

The Regional Police Commander South, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Brima Kanneh, received a donation of an Air Conditioning (AC) system at the Bo East Police Division.

The donated AC system comes as a valuable asset, particularly considering Sierra Leone’s hot and humid weather conditions. It is expected to significantly improve the working environment for police officers, ensuring their comfort and enhancing their efficiency in carrying out their duties.

Expressing his gratitude, AIG Kanneh highlighted the importance of such contributions in elevating the overall working conditions for the police force. He emphasized that the well-being of officers is paramount to their effectiveness in maintaining law and order within the country.

The gesture from Paramount Chief Boima is not only a practical support for the police but also fosters a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community. It is anticipated that this act of benevolence will serve as an inspiration for other individuals and organizations to contribute towards the betterment of the Police force.

AIG Kanneh, representing the Sierra Leone Police Institution, conveyed sincere appreciation for the donation. He assured that the air conditioning system would be properly installed and maintained, reaffirming the commitment to utilizing this gift to its fullest potential for the benefit of both officers and the community they serve.

This collaboration between the police force and the community exemplifies the shared commitment to ensuring a safer and more conducive environment for all.