Under the leadership of Regional Police Commander South, Assistant Inspector General of Police, Brima Kanneh, the Sierra Leone Police are intensively pursuing escaped prisoners following an unforeseen breach at the Pademba Road Correctional Facility on Sunday, 26th November 2023.
In response to the incident, AIG Kanneh urged checkpoint personnel to heighten vigilance and conduct thorough searches to re-apprehend the escaped offenders, emphasizing the potential threat these individuals pose to the community.
The efforts bore fruit as the police successfully captured eight of the escaped prisoners at various locations within Bo City. The apprehended individuals, identified as Abduraman Bangura, Alhaji Lamin, Julius Aruna, Mohamed Momoh Nustapha, Godgrave Jones, Alfred Sandy, Unisa Kamara, and Dian Turay, are currently under police protective custody awaiting further directives.
AIG Brima Kanneh reiterated the importance of community involvement, urging people to share any relevant information that could aid in the re-arrest of the remaining escaped prisoners.
Despite the incident, the Southern Region remains relatively calm, credited to the diligent efforts of AIG Brima Kanneh and Local Unit Commander CSP Alphonso A. Fambulleh, commonly known as Correct Man, in ensuring public safety and security.
That’s great news