Police in Bo are investigating 53 males and one female over the alleged gang rape of a 17-year-old girl who was seen in a video that went viral on social media lying by the road since along the Gumasaa and Nyandehun highway in the Yawbeko Chiefdom, Bonthe District with a long metal inserted into her private part as she gasped for breath.

Two among the total of 54 suspects, according to the head of police media South, Inspector Bobson Mohamed Sanu are directly related to the alleged gang rape, after they were identified by the alleged victim.

The remaining 52, he said are suspects of a riotous conduct that occurred following the said gang rape on the 19th November 2021, perpetrated by the youths of Talia and Nyandehun villages who stormed Blama village in response to the rape incident. During the said action, it is alleged that houses were set ablaze or looted and properties worth millions of Leones damaged.

He said people of those communities fled after the said incidents, making it difficult for the police to apprehend suspects. However, on Friday, 3rd December this year, they successfully executed a planned operation leading to the arrests.

According to Politico, Inspector Sanu said people held in connection with both the alleged rape matter and the riot are yet to be charged to court. He said the girl is currently responding to treatment in Freetown while investigations continue.