A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Pujehun Town, as a JSS One pupil, identified as James Jajuah was found dead in the Makibi River near the 14 Infantry Military Barracks Area.
The 12-year-old boy, a student at Every Nation Academy Junior Secondary School, met his untimely demise while attempting to swim during school hours.
According to preliminary reports, James had left for school in the morning like any other day but decided to sneak away and indulge in a swim at the river. Tragically, his adventure turned fatal when he drowned in the river.
A ten-year-old child stumbled upon James’s lifeless body in the water and hurriedly informed school authorities. Swift action was taken, and rescue teams were dispatched immediately. However, their efforts were in vain as James was already deceased when retrieved from the river.
The young boy’s body was promptly taken to the hospital for a postmortem examination to ascertain the cause of death. The entire community, especially the school and military barracks area, is in shock and mourning due to this devastating incident.
As of now, the security authorities have not released an official statement regarding the incident. The community is anxiously awaiting further information as they grapple with the loss of a promising young life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to James’s family and friends during this difficult time.
Inalillaahi Waina Illaahi Rajioon 😭😭😭