A Sierra Leonean based in Australia, Rose Fonah, is touching many lives in her home country through her charity organization, the Helpers for Children and Widows Africa-Sierra Leone(HCWASL).
The Helpers for children and widows Africa-Sierra Leone( HCWASL) is a none governmental organization that was founded by Rose Fornah in December, 2019.
The organization came about because of the hard struggle of children especially the orphans and widows who normally go through a lot of constraints in their daily life to feed and take care of themselves and their families in Sierra Leone.
As a compassionate individual who has witnessed and seen the struggle of widows, and children whose parents are not alive, she decided to form this organization in other to give a helping hand to this set of persons by providing their basic amenities.
Since the founding of the organization, it has achieved a lot in it’s areas of focus by reaching out to poor sick people.
Speaking to the CEO, Rose Fonah, she showed few of the many donations HCWASL had done throughout the country for both widows and children.
“During Ramadan, we feed the aged people, provided water kettle for them and other praying materials.” She said. Pictoral evidence below:
Part of charity projects they’ve embarked on over the years are: feeding and taking care of the orphans and Widows, rendering help and support to poor sick people by fitting their bills, supporting disables on the street with food and money, and donating to schools in the slumps.
Below is a picture of one of the sick persons and a photo of a disabled child they are supporting:
With all this, the organization has no sponsor, it has been running from the pocket of Madam Rose Fornah and her sisters all this while.
The HCWASL is looking forward to donor partners that can help in their various capacities to make the lives of the widows and children whose lives have been shattered in Sierra Leone to make them believe again and see reasons to live by giving them hope through our donations.
The organization will be fully launched next year the 11th, February, 2023 at Hotel 5-10.