The Project Coordinator of Ubuntu Afrika Foundation Sierra Leone, Daniel Salifu Samura stated that the project priority is to provide professional training to graduates across Sierra Leone with higher qualifications in Information Communication Technology (ICT), Computer Science and other related fields of study.
According to Newsfeed Sierra Leone, Daniel Salifu said this will serves as a post-graduate diploma because Technology is a very broad field, just as courses like Medicine, so it is also Technology after the degree course, they need to have additional professional training to achieve their full potentials” he revealed.
While the Ubuntu Afrika Foundation Sierra Leone office is situated at 4 Azzolini Highway NP Area Makeni City, Samura disclosed that in December 2022 they completed the training for the 3rd Cohort benefited by individuals that meet the criteria devoid of their tribe, regional lines or political affiliation.
Highlighting some of their impacts Daniel Salifu Samura indicated that since the commencement of the project in 2018 sixteen of over thirty beneficiaries are now working for European companiesrealizedlised over the years, these ICT or Computer Science graduates upon completion of their degree programs they have been finding it very difficult to secure lucrative jobs, but with this project, it is now a different situation for those that have further received professional training others are now working for companies in Spain” he opined.
He went further to confirm the opening of admission for the 4th Cohort of the Ubuntu training 2023 on Software Engineering and Web application whose closing date is on the 3rd of April is a full scholarship including a monthly stipend for successful applicants
“After the close of admission, we are going to conduct interviews and successful applicants will benefit fit a full scholarship with the availability of all the devices needed and an attractive monthly stipend this is to ensure that they give all their utmost attention during the course” he assured.
Sierra Leone currently benefiting from a technology project is also the first nation in Africa to benefit from the interventions that are made by Ubuntu Afrika Foundation established in Spain to tackle diverse social problems in less developed countries.