The Operations Team of Sierra Leone Police Division in Waterloo led by Sergeant Jalloh embarked on a sting operation in a hideout within Waterloo township that led to the arrest of a notorious Armed Robber, Alimamy Kargbo who was found in possession of a pistol loaded with seven (7) live rounds.
This sting operation is ongoing pursuant to reliable intelligence received that an armed robbery group had entered Waterloo Township, in a bid to wreak havoc on the lives of peaceful citizens.
More details to follow as investigations unfold.
Kudos to Waterloo police, but Bo our lives and properties is at stake
Let them deal with him seriously, without no mercy.
These criminals are plenty in police force. Let the law be effective please. He has a creminal face has.
These criminals are plenty in the police force. Let the law handle him according to the crime comitted
To the police, good work. Please keep it up. When did Waterloo become a haven for miscreants. Almost every week, some bad news coming out of the area