A promising young Sierra Leonean Police officer who doubled as an awaiting candidate to be called to the bar, Minkailu Sulaiman Dao, has died yesterday after battling with liver disease for a long time.
The deceased was a very determined young man who had wanted to become a lawyer so badly but sadly life took a wrong turn for him and he was diagnosed with liver problems. His treatment was so expensive and he couldn’t afford it which was why he needed help with rallying funds and support from especially the police force to finance his treatment.
His condition was getting worse as the day passes by and the funds were not coming as expected. A well-built man became so skinny with a protruding stomach similar to an eight months pregnant woman. He suffered a lot until he couldn’t bear any longer and breathe his last yesterday. May his soul find rest.
It is so pathetic to see or hear a fellow SL citizen dies on account of health challenge and the individual has been in an active service in one of the country’s institutions like the SLP. Meanwhile, this is a vivid proof of how wretched and poorly managed our health facility is in the country. Just imagine a very big national institution like the SLP cannot help an active serving personnel when desperately in need of better medical attention, upon all the monies they’re collecting each day from people yet they could not afford to save a fellow personnel and a citizen life. All they care about is corruption, bullying and brutality to the masses then they purport to be a “Force for Good” when they can’t protect the life of a fellow police officer… RIP bro!