Detective personnel, attached to CID Motema Police Divisional Headquarters, in Kono District, are currently investigating the mysterious death of three girls who were swimming in an abandoned mining pit.
According to sources close to the Motema Police Station, these girls met their demise during the course of swimming.
The children, who were between the ages of 14 to 16 years, went to the stream mainly to do domestic laundry in the said abandoned mining pit situated at Small Ngaiya community in the Nimikoro chiefdom, Kono District. The three girls were attending JSS in Kono District.
The Chief of Small Ngaiya Town, Peter Conteh, disclosed that, prior to their untimely death, some parents have been discouraging their children from doing domestic laundry at the abandoned pit.
One of the victims, Madam Hannah Jibba, told this press that she was attending a church service when she heard the news that her 14 years old daughter, a JSS three pupil of UMC Secondary School in Yengema, was among the girls who drowned in an abandoned mining pit.
According to The New Storm Newspaper, the community people described the death of the girls as a shock not only to their parents but a big loss to the community and Sierra Leone as a whole.