A court in Kenema has fined Baindu Kanna, a resident of Tissor village near Kenema, Six Hundred New Leones (NLe 600) or sentenced her to four months imprisonment for offenses related to abusive language and public provocation.

The judgment was delivered by Justices of the Peace Gregory J. Lahai and Foday M. B. Koroma, presiding over Magistrate Court No. 3 in Kenema.

Kanna was charged with three counts under the Public Order Act No. 46 of 1965: abusive language, public insult and provocation, and insulting conduct.

According to the prosecution, on October 29, 2024, in Tissor village, Nongowa Chiefdom, the defendant directed insulting remarks at the complainant, Isatu Massaquoi, in public. The remarks, which included accusations and derogatory statements, were deemed likely to provoke a breach of the peace.

Despite pleading not guilty, the court found Kanna guilty on two counts, while discharging her on the third. She was ordered to pay NLe 300 or serve two months imprisonment for each count, with the fines to be paid directly to Massaquoi. Failure to pay the fines would result in a four-month custodial sentence.

In delivering the judgment, the Justices of the Peace emphasized the importance of community harmony and warned both parties to maintain peace within their village.

The court noted that the complainant had presented compelling evidence, proving her case beyond reasonable doubt.