50 women aspirants from various political parties, including the ruling SLPP, and the oppositions – APC, C4C, and UDM, have received a two-day training organized by the Women’s Forum for Human Rights and Democracy (WoFHRAD).

The training took place at the SLTU Hall Makeni and ran from Tuesday, April 25th to Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, in preparation for the upcoming multi-tier elections on June 24th, 2023, in Bombali.

The WoFHRAD has been offering training for intending women aspirants since 2018, with support from Trocaire and Irish Aid. Action Aid Sierra Leone also chipped in this year to continue the training for intending women aspirants.

Emilia Kamara-Jengo, the Co-founder and Programs Coordinator of WoFHRAD, highlighted the training’s key areas, which included leadership skills and styles, fundraising for political campaigns, the PR system, and the Public Elections Act 2022.

Kamara-Jengo emphasized the importance of the training’s timeliness, particularly since political parties are currently giving out symbols to Councillors, Mayoral, Chairpersons, and Members of Parliament aspirants.

Fatmata Fornah Jalloh, the Regional Manager for Action Aid Sierra Leone, expressed her appreciation for WoFHRAD’s implementation of the project and urged the intending aspirants to make use of the training.

Iyeba Fofanah, an intending Member of Parliament aspirant in Bombali under the SLPP ticket, expressed her gratitude for the training and emphasized the importance of being accountable to donor partners and subordinates as a politician.