In a collaborative effort between Women’s Forum Sierra Leone, UN Women, and with support from Irish Aid, a pivotal engagement was held on Friday, May 3rd, 2024, at the Pujehun District Council Hall on Jah Street in Pujehun district.

The event focused on sensitization, awareness raising, and mobilization of women and girls regarding the Customary Land Rights Act.

Cicilia Yea Bangura, Vice President 1 of Women’s Forum Sierra Leone, spearheaded the discussion, elucidating the significance of the Customary Land Rights Act enacted in 2022.

Bangura highlighted the Act’s pivotal role in safeguarding customary land rights, eradicating discrimination under customary law, and effectively managing and administering land under customary law.

Notably, the Act ensures equal land rights for women and prohibits industrial development in protected or ecologically sensitive areas.

Of particular importance is the Act’s provisions on Investor-Induced Displacement and Resettlement, mandating investors to obtain free, prior, and informed consent from all adult members of affected communities, both male and female, before any investments on customary lands.

Madam Cathrine Bureh, district coordinator of the 50/50 Group in Pujehun district, expressed gratitude to the Women’s Forum for the enlightening opportunity.

She emphasized the invaluable knowledge gained during the training session and pledged to disseminate the information to women who were unable to attend, ensuring wider awareness and understanding of the Customary Land Rights Act within the community.

The event underscored the vital role of grassroots initiatives in empowering women and girls with essential legal knowledge, enabling them to assert their rights and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities.