In a series of high-level agreements during the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio secured multiple deals aimed at bolstering the country’s economy. Among the most significant announcements was a USD $50 billion financial pledge from Chinese President Xi Jinping to support African countries over the next three years, a substantial increase from the previous FOCAC summit in Dakar, Senegal.

This financial commitment highlights China’s growing influence on the African continent, providing an additional USD $20 billion over the previous pledge. This funding is set to support various infrastructure, technology, and development projects across Africa.

Key Agreements Signed with Sierra Leone

  1. USD $50 Million for SMART Sierra Leone Project
    The Government of Sierra Leone (GoSL) signed a USD $50 million agreement with China to support the “SMART Sierra Leone Project,” which aims to enhance the country’s digital transformation. This project is expected to improve public administration, e-governance, and digital services, positioning Sierra Leone as a leader in digital innovation in the region.
  2. Digital Village Project
    In a move to merge agriculture with technology, the GoSL also inked a deal on the Digital Village Project. This initiative will be rolled out in Tormabum, a key agricultural hub, and will use advanced digital tools to improve agricultural productivity. The project promises to boost food security and create more efficient farming techniques by linking local farmers with technological resources.
  3. Expansion of Mining Sector
    Sierra Leone’s mining sector received a major boost as Mineral Wealth Fund SL Limited signed a landmark framework agreement to expand mining operations, particularly targeting Tonkolili’s vast iron ore deposits. The agreement outlines plans for significant infrastructure investment, with the potential to create thousands of jobs and attract further foreign investment into the sector.

Fisheries Certification Breakthrough

After a 14-year wait, Sierra Leone was granted an International Fish Export Certificate by the Chinese government. This certification is expected to have a transformative impact on Sierra Leone’s fishing industry, opening the doors for international fish exports and increasing the country’s revenue from the sector.

Increased Development Assistance

In a further show of support, the Chinese government pledged to increase its development assistance to Sierra Leone this year, committing an additional 200 million Chinese yuan. These funds are expected to support a range of development projects, including education, health, and infrastructure, significantly bolstering the country’s growth prospects.

A Strengthened Partnership

President Bio’s visit to China and the agreements signed at the 2024 FOCAC summit underscore the deepening ties between Sierra Leone and China. As China continues to invest heavily in Africa’s economic future, Sierra Leone stands to benefit from strengthened cooperation across key sectors, including technology, agriculture, mining, and infrastructure.

With these major deals, Sierra Leone is set to experience significant growth, with Chinese partnerships playing a pivotal role in its development trajectory.