The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has announced a further extension of the asset declaration deadline, setting the final date as June 30, 2024.

This extension, authorized by the Commissioner under Section 119(4) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008, comes in response to reported difficulties faced by some declarants in filling the form using the unique National Identification Number (NIN) only.

To facilitate compliance, declarants are now permitted to use their Passport Number if they lack the NIN.

This final deadline extension emphasizes the urgency for public officers to fulfill their obligation of declaring their assets.

Failure to comply will result in severe consequences:

a) Withholding Salary: The salary of any public officer who fails to declare their assets will be withheld.

b) Suspension: After one month of default, the public officer will face suspension for three months.

c) Dismissal: Exceeding three months of default will lead to the dismissal of the public officer. This measure applies universally, with exceptions only for positions outlined in the Constitution where removal from office is stipulated.

The ACC underscores the seriousness of non-compliance, treating it as a deliberate act. Defaulters will be subject to the appropriate penalties prescribed by law, as outlined above.

The Commission urges all public officers who have not yet submitted their online Asset Declaration Forms to utilize this further extension and promptly submit their forms.

After the specified date, failure to comply will be met with strict enforcement measures.

For those encountering challenges or requiring assistance with the form submission process, the Assets Declaration Office of the Commission stands ready to provide support and guidance. It is imperative for all public officers to adhere to this directive to uphold transparency and integrity in governance.