There are laid system as to how to become a member of the All People’s Congress. APC is the main opposition party in Sierra Leone.
The Party is open to all who want to join them. All you need to do is to buy a registration form, pay a registration fee and make monthly and yearly subscriptions.
The Party has four categories of membership: Ordinary membership, Honorary Executive, Honorary Foundation and Patron.
Membership form is Le2,000 for all categories. The registration fee and monthly and yearly subscriptions are different.
For Ordinary Membership, registration fee is Le34,000, monthly subscription is Le2,000 and yearly payment is Le24,000. This category carries the rank and file of the general membership of the APC.
Second in the categories is the Honorary Executive. Registration fee for Honorary Executive is Le500,000. Monthly payment is Le25,000 and annual subscription is Le300,000.
Honorary Foundation is the third category of membership available in the APC. Registration fee in this category is Le1, 100,000 and monthly payment is Le50, 000. Being the second expensive category of membership, Honorary Foundation membership pay Le600,000 as yearly subscription.
Patron membership is the final category of membership in the APC. Patron registration fee is Le1, 500,000, and its yearly subscription is Le1,000,000. Patron membership is the only category that does not have monthly payment.