President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone has reaffirmed his resolute commitment to implementing the recommendations outlined in the European Union (EU) Election Observer Mission’s Final Report on the country’s Multi-Tier Elections conducted on June 24, 2023.

Recognizing the significance of the EU Election Observer Mission’s findings, President Bio reiterated his dedication to addressing the report’s recommendations, stating,

We remain committed, as always, to addressing the recommendations of all Observer Mission Reports, as we have in the past, in our ongoing efforts to propose crucial reforms aimed at fortifying Sierra Leone’s electoral system.”

Additionally, he emphasized that the Final Report, presented by the EU delegation led by Chief Observer Evin Incir, will serve as a valuable resource for the National Electoral Systems Review Committee. This committee plays a pivotal role in evaluating existing legal frameworks, institutional arrangements, and Observer Mission Reports to enhance the electioneering process in Sierra Leone.

President Bio also extended his gratitude to the European Union for its unwavering commitment to deepening democracy and fostering good governance in Sierra Leone. He underlined the government’s continued dedication to fortifying the electoral system and ensuring the nation’s democratic processes progress positively.

This statement by President Bio underscores a determined endeavor to enact essential reforms and enhancements in Sierra Leone’s electoral system, solidifying the country’s dedication to conducting fair, transparent, and accountable elections.