Sierra Leone’s President H.E Julius Maada Bio and the First Lady Fatima Bio have attended the special dinner following the successful end of the OIC summit on the 5th May 2024 in Banjul, Gambia.

They extended warm embrace to their fellow Sierra Leoneans and distinguished officials from the Gambian government during a memorable evening in Banjul following the conclusion of a fruitful two-day OIC summit which shows a great spirit of oneness among all members present.

It was revealed that the dinner was specifically organized to honour President Bio and provide an intimate platform for interaction with the Sierra Leonean community in the Gambia.

Many of the attendees expressed their admiration for President Bio, showering him with heartfelt gestures and expressions of gratitude in anticipation of his upcoming birthday on May 12th as well as the views of the country.

President Bio acknowledged the outpouring of warmth and support, emphasizing the unity that binds Sierra Leone and Gambia together, transcending geographical boundaries.

We may belong to two different countries, but we are one people. Tonight, I am deeply touched by the efforts of my wife, our extended family, and everyone who has rallied behind her to make this moment possible. Thank you for coming together to celebrate with me.” He stated.

The event serves a great exchange to all present in terms of building and Strengthing the bilateral ties between the two countries. It also gave a resounding effect into Strengthing the security and safety of the Sierra Leoneans in the Gambia.