In a momentous event held in Dogolia Town, Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone, President Julius Maada Bio officially commenced the much-anticipated Reconstruction of the Kabala – Krubola – Kono Road Project, spanning an impressive 261 kilometers.
The launch of this vital infrastructure project was met with great enthusiasm by stakeholders, descendants, and residents of Koinadugu and Falaba Districts. After enduring decades of transportation challenges, they expressed their joy and relief, considering this project a long-awaited solution to their struggles.
The ambitious Kabala – Krubola – Kono Road Project will be implemented in four phases, each contributing to the improvement of transportation networks in the region.
The initial phase will focus on the stretch between Kabala and Limbaya Junction, covering a distance of 61 kilometers. This phase is expected to be completed by the year 2025, offering an improved road connection to the area.
Following the successful completion of the first phase, subsequent phases will be undertaken, ensuring the entire 261-kilometer road project is constructed efficiently and effectively. As the project progresses, the road will facilitate enhanced connectivity and promote economic growth in the region.
President Julius Maada Bio’s initiative to launch this significant infrastructure project demonstrates his administration’s commitment to improving the lives of Sierra Leonean citizens. By addressing the long-standing transportation challenges in Koinadugu and Falaba Districts, the government aims to unlock new opportunities and unleash the economic potential of the region.
As the Kabala – Krubola – Kono Road Project advances, it is expected to bring about positive transformations, fostering easier travel, trade, and social connections within Sierra Leone. With the first phase slated for completion in 2025, the project sets a promising trajectory towards a more prosperous and interconnected future for the nation.
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