On the 18th of November, 2023, Sierra Leone joined the global community in observance of the UN World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence. President Bio takes stand against Child Sexual Exploitation on UN World Day.

This significant day, aimed at raising awareness and fostering prevention strategies, stands as a united front against the heinous crimes that pose a threat to the well-being of children worldwide.

The initiative, championed by the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and the Republic of Angola, garnered support from various nations in 2022 when the resolution was sponsored. This resolution provides a vital platform to amplify awareness of the collective actions that governments can take to prevent child abuse and contribute to the healing of survivors.

President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone, in a resounding show of commitment, threw his full support behind the success of the celebration. The official event unfolded at the Winners Chapel church in Sierra Leone on the designated date, bringing together leaders, activists, and citizens to address the critical issue of child sexual exploitation.

President Bio emphasized, “We shall continue to uphold a deep commitment to the protection and welfare of our children, and building a world where they can thrive without fear, their innocence is preserved, and their rights are upheld.”

In his address, President Bio underscored the nation’s unwavering dedication to safeguarding the protection and welfare of children. He expressed a steadfast commitment to building a world where children can thrive without fear, ensuring their innocence is preserved, and their rights are upheld. The president’s words echoed a profound determination to combat the pervasive issue of child sexual exploitation and violence.

The celebration served as a poignant reminder of the importance of collective global efforts to eradicate the scourge of child abuse. Leaders and participants engaged in discussions, workshops, and awareness campaigns throughout the day, fostering a sense of unity in the fight against child sexual exploitation.

Sierra Leone’s choice of the Winners Chapel church as the venue for the commemoration highlighted the role of faith-based organizations in addressing social issues. The event saw collaboration between government bodies, non-governmental organizations, and religious institutions, emphasizing the need for a multi-faceted approach to tackling the complex challenges associated with child abuse.

As the UN World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation continues to gain momentum, Sierra Leone’s active participation reinforces the global commitment to creating a safe and nurturing environment for children. The collective efforts of nations, with Sierra Leone taking a leading role, send a powerful message that the international community stands united against child sexual exploitation, abuse, and violence, working tirelessly to ensure a brighter future for the world’s children.