Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio has called for strategic partnership at the OpenAg Symposium held at Oxford University on Wednesday 18th September 2024.

President Bio during his key note address started the urgent need for innovative approach to addressing the adverse impacts of climate change on water and energy.

President Bio further stated that Sierra Leone is open to strategic partnership for agricultural research and for innovative and workable solutions that will enhance the feed Salone agenda.

He rendered appreciation by thanking the Oxford India Centre for what he describe as Sustainable Development at Oxford University, UPL, and other partners and investors for the symposium which he said engenders real actions on agricultural development.

The 2024 OpenAg Symposium explored the intricate interplay between food systems, energy security, and water security within the context of sustainable agriculture. This edition focused on how agricultural practices not only contribute to national and international food security but also to the financial stability of farmers and the broader economic security of nations. Sustainable agricultural practices that reduce GHG emissions. Climate change poses a significant threat to both water and energy security, thereby affecting food systems globally. The symposium also underscored the importance of sustainable agricultural practices in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change. By adopting practices that enhance resilience and sustainability, the agricultural sector can play a pivotal role in securing food, water, and energy resources for the future.

The last edition of the symposium discussed the concept of Resilience in sustainable agricultural practices. The 2024 edition brought together experts, policymakers, and practitioners to share insights and strategies, fostering a holistic approach to transforming food, energy, and water security through sustainable agriculture.