Address to the nation on June 15th, 2024, President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone emphasized the urgent need for unity and peace as the country awaits crucial electoral reforms.

Speaking ahead of the anticipated Tripartite Committee’s Report, which will guide reforms of the Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and electoral laws, President Bio called upon Sierra Leoneans to prioritize national cohesion over partisan interests.

Peace is the cornerstone of progress, and a nation divided cannot prosper,” President Bio asserted, underscoring the critical importance of fostering unity amidst political differences. He urged all citizens to embrace the principle of “politics without bitterness,” advocating for respectful and empathetic engagement in political discourse.

Highlighting the imminent reforms, President Bio stressed the necessity of reviewing and amending electoral laws to ensure transparency and fairness in future elections. He expressed optimism that these reforms would strengthen democratic institutions and enhance public trust in the electoral process.

The President’s address resonated with a call to action for every Sierra Leonean to actively contribute to peacebuilding efforts in their communities. He urged citizens to resolve conflicts through dialogue and understanding, emphasizing the importance of teaching younger generations the values of tolerance and respect.

In our daily lives, let us commit to fostering peace,” President Bio urged, encouraging a collective effort to overcome societal divisions and work towards a harmonious future for Sierra Leone. He emphasized the role of unity in advancing the nation’s development agenda and called for a shared commitment to putting the country’s interests above all else.

As President Bio concluded his address, he reiterated his confidence in Sierra Leone’s potential for progress, underlining that a unified and peaceful nation is better equipped to tackle challenges and seize opportunities for growth and prosperity.

The nation now eagerly awaits the recommendations of the Tripartite Committee, poised to embark on a journey of electoral reform aimed at strengthening democratic governance and ensuring a brighter future for all Sierra Leoneans.