In a significant stride towards youth empowerment, First Lady Fatima Bio inaugurated the Adolescent and Youth Empowerment Training Center (AYETC) in Tuba, Sembehun-17, Tikonko Chiefdom, Bo District on January 25th, 2024. The center, aimed at providing vocational training and skills development, stands as a testament to the government’s commitment to addressing youth unemployment and fostering self-reliance.

Courses offered at the AYETC encompass diverse trades including tailoring, computer skills, mental work, food preservation, catering, adult literacy, and gara tie-dye. The initiative aligns with broader national strategies to promote social and economic development in Sierra Leone.

The event, graced by dignitaries including Paramount Chief Professor Joe Kangbai Macavoray III, former Vice President Hon. Victor Bockarie Foh, government ministry representatives, the Deputy Minister of Trade, the National Women’s Leader of the SLPP, and Bo District Council members, showcased the collaborative effort towards youth development.

In her address, First Lady Fatima Bio emphasized the pivotal role of education and skills training in national development. She expressed gratitude to contributors, including the EU, NAO, and Mr. Mohamed Sillah, the initiator of the project. Her Excellency outlined a comprehensive vision for priorities such as education, women’s empowerment, gender equality, and justice for survivors of sexual violence, reiterating the government’s commitment to inclusivity and human capital development.

The ceremony concluded with a generous donation of 200 million Leones by the First Lady on behalf of the Maada & Fatima Bio Foundation. Of this, 100 million Leones will ensure consistent salaries for tutors and staff, while the remaining 100 million Leones will be allocated for equipment, furniture, and logistics. Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, First Lady Fatima Bio toured the AYETC facility, symbolizing a hands-on commitment to the success of this transformative initiative.