In a recent statement, the Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) has voiced deep concern over the partial disruption of normal business and life in certain parts of the country, along with various issues related to the ongoing electioneering process.

“CGG strongly condemns any actions taken by political parties or groups that employ threats, violence, or intimidation to disrupt or interfere with the electoral process. All political parties, their supporters, and associates are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct outlined in the second schedule of the Political Parties Regulation Commission Act of 2022.” Part of the release reads.

The organization reiterated that violence, threats, intimidation, and public disturbances are unacceptable methods for addressing or resolving electoral grievances, regardless of their legitimacy, adding that political parties have a responsibility to maintain law and order by utilizing only constitutional and democratic means to settle their differences.

CGG also called upon the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) to address the concerns raised by opposition parties and to respond and act in an impartial, independent, and transparent manner.

“The ECSL, mandated with conducting free and fair elections, should ensure that all stakeholders perceive its electoral processes as such. As the general elections are less than two weeks away, the ECSL must strive to dispel distrust and suspicion by promoting transparency in its processes and fostering cooperation with all involved parties in the electioneering process.” It added.

The organization expressed confidence of how such engagements would help de-escalate tensions and foster trust and confidence in the handling of the entire electoral process.

It urged security forces to exercise restraint and refrain from using excessive force against citizens, directing that any violations should be addressed through legal channels, ensuring due process and respect for human rights.

In conclusion, CGG called upon all citizens to abide by the law and exercise their electoral rights within the boundaries of legal frameworks.