The Chief Electoral Commissioner of the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL), Mohamed Konneh, has expressed deep concern over the persistent threats against him and his family.

Speaking at a stakeholder engagement meeting held at the Commission’s conference room on Tower Hill, Mr. Konneh emphasized that the ECSL is not aligned with any political party and called for an end to the abuse and threats aimed at his family and the Commission’s staff.

Mr. Konneh revealed that his family has been subjected to consistent threats from unknown individuals both within the country and abroad.

Despite his previous resolve to avoid meetings with political parties whose supporters engage in personal attacks, the ECSL decided to engage all parties in an effort to encourage them to discourage their supporters from such behavior.

Commissioner Konneh urged the political parties to take responsibility and prevent invectives from being hurled at their opponents’ families.

Expressing his dismay, the ECSL boss highlighted the toll these threats have taken on his children. He recounted how they are questioned by their classmates about the threats, exposing them to unnecessary psychological distress.

He vehemently rejected the notion that such threats are a normal part of the election process, emphasizing that they are deliberate attempts by individuals who do not wish to see the country develop and maintain peaceful coexistence. However, Konneh assured the public that these threats would not deter the ECSL from carrying out its constitutional duty.

In light of the escalating situation, the Commissioner called on all political parties and civil society groups to denounce and condemn the use of abusive and threatening language against fellow citizens, especially ECSL staff members.

He expressed deep concern for the well-being of one staff member who has become afraid to answer phone calls, fearing that each one may be accompanied by further invectives.

The threats against the Chief Electoral Commissioner and his family are an alarming development that raises serious concerns about the safety and integrity of the electoral process in Sierra Leone. The ECSL plays a crucial role in ensuring fair and transparent elections, and any attempt to intimidate or hinder its operations undermines the democratic principles that Sierra Leone upholds. The government and law enforcement agencies must take immediate action to investigate these threats, identify the culprits, and ensure the safety of the Electoral Commissioner, his family, and the entire ECSL staff.

Sierra Leone, a nation known for its commitment to democracy, must not allow such threats and intimidation tactics to prevail. The government, political parties, civil society organizations, and citizens at large must unite to condemn these acts and protect the individuals who work tirelessly to ensure free and fair elections. The electoral process is a cornerstone of democracy, and the safety and security of those responsible for overseeing it should be of paramount importance to all Sierra Leoneans.