The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) reminds all public and civil servants that the deadline for declaration of their assets is 31st of March, 2022.

It also reminds all public officials that asset declaration is mandatory and liable to punishment if not done by public officials that fall within Grade 7 and above. This also includes all political appointees, those with fiduciary responsibility including accountants, bursars, customs officer, among others.

In order to eliminate paperwork, the ACC has made it easier for officials to do their declarations the Commissioner’s website:

The ACC act of 2008 as revised in 2020 makes provision for public officers to declare their assets and liabilities to the Commission. The provision reads: “Every public officer shall within three months of becoming a public officer deposit with the Commission a sworn declaration of his income, assets and liabilities and thereafter not later than 31st March in each succeeding year that he is a public officer, he shall deposit further declarations of his income, assets and liabilities and also while leaving office.”

Last year saw the highest compliance rate, jumping from 30% to 60% after the ACC in May issued a statement reminding public officers about the legal consequences for failing to comply with the law that include suspension, withholding of salaries, denial of promotion and ultimately, sacking.

Speaking sometime last year, the ACC Commissioner, Francis B. Kaifala, who maintains that the asset delectation, is an indispensable tool to reduce corruption and to establish a culture of accountability and justice said, “We have been able to recover over $2 million of cash, we have been able to recover properties that have been returned to the state.”