Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio is set to deliver the keynote address at the 4th Edition of the OpenAg Symposium today, hosted at the University of Oxford.

The symposium, which commences at 4 PM local time, is themed “Power Plants: Transforming Food, Energy, and Water Security through Agriculture.”

Organized by the Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development (OICSD)—a collaboration between the University of Oxford and the Government of India—the symposium is co-organized by UPL, a global leader in sustainable agriculture solutions with annual revenues surpassing $5 billion. This year’s event will focus on the future of food and agriculture amid climate change, emphasizing the role of agricultural practices in enhancing food security and economic stability.

The symposium will spotlight sustainable agricultural methods as essential tools for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts. “By adopting practices that enhance resilience and sustainability, the agricultural sector can play a pivotal role in securing food, water, and energy resources for the future,” noted the event organizers.

Following his address, President Bio will travel to New York to attend the UN General Assembly, accompanied by First Lady Dr. Fatima Maada Bio.