In the aftermath of the devastating explosion and fire at Conakry’s main fuel depot, Sierra Leone demonstrated unwavering solidarity with its West African neighbor by deploying a dedicated team of health personnel to provide essential medical support. The recent catastrophe left Conakry grappling with the immediate aftermath and the looming threat of health crises.
Sierra Leone’s swift response underscores the importance of regional cooperation and solidarity in times of crisis for which the role played was a recounted one.
Following the effort Sierra Leone played, the Guinea Prime Minister has awarded medals and certificates of appreciation to Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health doctors.
It was noted that they played an important role in airing victims of the Conakry Fire Disaster, emphasising international collaboration and solidarity.
These Doctors were dispatched to provide medical aid to victims of last year’s fire disaster in Conakry.
It was also noted that the recognition is a testament of His Excellency President Dr Julius Bio and The Minister of Health Dr Austin Demby’s unwavering commitment to helping a sister country in moments of crisis.
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