In an unexpected turn of events, Freetown was plunged into darkness on the evening of March 18, 2024, as the Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) grappled with technical difficulties at the Freetown 161 Power Station located at Kingtom.

The blackout occurred between the hours of 5:30 PM and 6:00 PM, leaving residents in the capital city without electricity.

In a public notice issued shortly after the incident, EDSA provided insights into the cause of the blackout. According to the notice, technical difficulties were encountered at the Freetown 161 Power Station, hindering the synchronization of power generated from the Karpowership for onward distribution to residents of Freetown. The timing of the disruption during the early evening hours exacerbated the inconvenience for many households and businesses.

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, EDSA assured the public that its technical staff, in collaboration with the team from Karpowership, were diligently working to address the technical glitches. Once resolved, power supply would be promptly restored to the affected areas of the city.

The notice also expressed regret for the inconvenience caused by the blackout and appealed to residents for patience and understanding during this challenging period. EDSA emphasized the importance of cooperation from valued customers and thanked them for their understanding.

The blackout underscored the vulnerability of Freetown’s electricity supply infrastructure and raised concerns about the reliability of the power grid. With Freetown’s growing population and increasing demand for electricity, ensuring a stable and efficient power supply remains a priority for both EDSA and the government.

In response to the incident, residents expressed frustration over the frequent disruptions in power supply and called for more proactive measures to prevent future blackouts. Many highlighted the impact of the outage on daily life, including disruptions to businesses, inconvenience in households, and potential safety hazards.

The blackout also reignited discussions about the need for investment in alternative energy sources and infrastructure upgrades to improve the resilience of the electricity grid. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, have been touted as viable solutions to diversify the energy mix and reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, EDSA reiterated its commitment to addressing the challenges facing the electricity sector and pledged to prioritize efforts to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the power supply. The authority assured the public that lessons learned from the blackout would inform future initiatives aimed at strengthening the resilience of the electricity infrastructure.

As efforts to restore power continued into the evening, residents remained hopeful for a swift resolution to the outage. With the technical teams from EDSA and Karpowership working tirelessly to resolve the issues, anticipation grew for the return of electricity to Freetown.

The total blackout experienced in Freetown on March 18, 2024, highlighted the vulnerability of the city’s electricity infrastructure and underscored the need for proactive measures to ensure a reliable and efficient power supply. While EDSA works to address the technical difficulties that led to the outage, residents are urged to remain patient and cooperative. As discussions on long-term solutions continue, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of investing in sustainable energy infrastructure to meet the growing demands of an expanding city.