The European Union Election Observation Mission in Sierra Leone (EUEOM) has met with the commissioners for the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL) and others to discuss recommendations for future elections in the country.
Based on their observations during the June 24th elections, the team has chosen to prioritize these observations and make recommendations for future elections in the country as deemed necessary.
Furthermore, the team has actively involved Civil Society Organizations and the media in reviewing their final report and recommendations.
The EUEOM emphasizes that recommendations for future elections are an essential component of their final report. They affirm that the core team analysts discussed the key findings and recommendations before the Long-Term Observation (LTO) mission concluded, and they confirm that their suggestions for enhancing the electoral process will be incorporated into the mission’s final report.
Wait man get patient!
Good job done by the EU observers and I hope that ECSL can pick something good from their findings.
You have done it again. These recommendations are NOT coming from The EU Observers at all. We all know that you guys are compromising your profession by reporting only in favour of rogue politicians who have given you a share of the Loot. Be careful ! Democracy is under attack in Sierra Leone and we will leave no stone unturned to ensure that the results of the elections reflect the will of the people of Sierra Leone. President Samura Kamara is the President Elect, no more no less!
God will surely bless you people for the peace, justice,Democracy and development to build in Sierra Leone for sake of peace we need to go back into election June 24 election is not fear, free and credible we the people of Sierra Leone we don’t have no peace, no justice ,no freedom and we are tried of this in our contry we need a resposible Government that will care for his peope
The results didn’t reflect the will of the people at all…
Thank God ooo for the recommendation for future elections.
God bless the EU and other international observers, for making peace…
If Wonna say pa Samu na d President. Make e go Na State house make we see ba lol 😂 😂
Its unfortunate when few animalistic political idiots grab share what belongs to the masses thus depriving them from their God given right. The elections is Sierra Leone is a stolen mandates from the right people. No matter what the will of the people must prevailed one day and all the political gangster must be brought to book.
The true will come one day because the peoples Sierra Leone are suffering for democracy, we need peace. Bio most go
Yes,we need another elections that is transparent and credible.
Let the votes of the people determined the winning
Wait ya na wuna nor mor for shine ar mean de a p c boo duya wuna Bea ya
All we need is justice’s
Involve CROSS that are begging for a ministerial position?
Guys, please understand this: this is not a debating club. Put your comment and exit. Do not debate here. Please be civil in your use of words
Sierra Leone
EUEOM emphasizes that recommendations for “FUTURE ELECTION” election are……….
Let da will be done,if so we are ready 4 another election
Some people are not good for this country.your are talking about the Will of the people which people,we that voted for president Bio we are plenty so even if you guys want us to go back into elections we will still flage Mr kamalo.So if you are talking about the masses it’s only the few of you who wants to come and embezzle our country resources once more like the way you did 2007 to 2018 but this is not business as usual lonta with Bio we move no distractions this time
Simple context d Eu observation mission are recommending for the future election simply telling you that they have recommend for a rerun election
Simple Context future election mean rerun election how EU should anticipate are certain Mohamed Konneh to conduct 2028 election no
Power is like sweet when the people give it to you or they like you to be there leader and you will enjoy it but if not please return back what you have stole from the people of sierra Leone we say enough is enough we don’t need you any more has leader of that country and you said you are the father of democracy but you are valuating democracy has father of democracy has you said
Can someone please help me with a better understanding about this meeting because the writing was brief on his story. The E U was asking E C S L for public display of results, is this what they went to ask for and dose future elections means to do elections in 2028 or to redo this elections
Who ever says the results doesn’t reflect the will of the people should go to curt.
You guys making this noise all over the social media lying down in Europe didn’t even register or neither even came here to vote.
So when you keep talking trace referring to the will of the people, it seems you guys don’t even understand the true meaning of the people’s reflection will.
You people fail to register
You people fail to counted
And then fail to vote.
Who were you expecting to vote for your drunken candidate of Kamalo?
Those who voted for president bio were the majority registered voters from the south east.
Their votes were unshakable for Bio,
As for the north west, bio made an immense impact to the north western so strong holds of your so called political social club ( the APC)
This tells you that no party holds grip of any region any more especially in the northWest .
Which means that people are now voting for development and not color.
So tell your people to bring back the people’s money, stop the abusing people,
You guys are so disrespectful to women, imams , pastors and the likes.
Go back to your drawing board and start working out your assignment well or you go to curt.
I rest my case here.
I need peace for my self and my country first.
And not like those who put self and party interest ahead of their country.
Especially for people like you.
Even NEW led by APC Maceilla Samba said President Bio got 53% of the vote albeit sample from 740 Polling Stations out of 11,800, so how the election stolen? APC supporters are like Trump supporters, they lost the elections and they say its stolen SMH
Sierra Leoneans will need to wake up.
Let’s stop stupidity, relax one day and research about Sierra Leone where are we, about the economy, democracy, freedom of speech, unhappiest country in Africa, cost of living etc. Then think about your future siblings if you really have sense.
We are ready for a rerun of election that is transparent and credible. We did not vote for Bio. He was not able to perform for the past 5yrs go to the market and ask for a bag of rice how much it will cost for us the masses. We are suffering and we need change. Just yesterday the inflation has added 3% again. Therefore we can not continue to suffer under Bio. Fresh election ok.
If this issue of the June 24 elections is not addressed accordingly, I’m afraid of what the future of Sierra Leone will be like.
I’ve heard from many Sierra Leoneans who decides not to vote any longer in Sierra Leone as there is a taboo of “ten-ten” years of presidential tenure (whether or not a president deliver well for his people). And it’s sad!
The constitutional madate/right of the citizens is taken from them. It’s a mere disenfranchisement to Sierra Leoneans.
However, Sierra Leoneans are not demanding too much, but only transparency and accountability. Why is this being a huge task for the EC-SL to provide compressive or disaggregated data of elections results by polling station to opposition parties to see the reality?
At first, it was the Voter Registration Data, they failed to provide it.
Today, it’s another data. Lol 😂
So na data na d problem of Sierra Leone?
Our institutions are sickening… Trust me.
I was present in one of the regional tally centres where results where not submitted (as confirmed by the Regional Returning Officer) to the National Returning Office of the EC-SL when Mohamed Konneh announced 60% of the results.
Statistics Sierra Leone again conducted an illegal census in this country and it ended a goal against Sierra Leoneans. They don’t care how the citizens feel but only focus on their financial benefits.
When the citizens go out to say their aggrieved statements against state officials and state institutions, the police and military will then take the lead to brutalize them, shoot them and kill them.
The current situation of Sierra Leone is sad it and I wouldn’t hesitate to say “If dis situation lef so, we dae na time bomb state”.
May Allah (God Almighty) intervenes strongly and redeem our nation. I also urge all citizens to pray for our beloved nation.
God bless Sierra Leone.
@Futureking Sidique