Sierra Leone’s First Lady, Fatima Bio, has publicly condemned former Attorney General Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara (JFK) in response to his claims that the ruling SLPP government is facing legitimacy issues and governance challenges.

The heated exchange took place on Twitter after JFK suggested that the current political situation could hinder the nation’s progress toward peace and prosperity.

In a swift rebuttal, Fatima Bio criticized Kamara for attempting to paint a negative picture of the government, arguing that the country’s legal framework remains intact and that many citizens are pleased with the government’s achievements. She emphasized that calls for more progress reflect the people’s confidence, not the “impossibilities” portrayed by JFK. Bio further remarked that Kamara’s assertions seemed to frame the nation as if it were still caught in an election period.

The First Lady expressed disappointment with the opposition’s stance, urging them to offer honest representation to their supporters. She highlighted that political campaigning should wait until 2028 and cautioned Kamara against using social media to mislead Sierra Leoneans.

Bio, known for her outspoken patriotism, urged Kamara to focus on strengthening the opposition party instead of sowing doubt about the country’s direction. She called on all Sierra Leoneans, including Kamara and the opposition, to unite in supporting President Julius Maada Bio’s agenda for national progress.

The public rebuke underscores rising tensions between the government and opposition as debates around governance and development continue.