Sierra Leonenen musician known as Fyn Face has caused a stir on social media after the singer reveals he has not had $**x for Six months now.

The singer made these comments on his Facebook page revealing that it’s almost six months now he has not been having $**x, he adds that not because he is a celebrity means he should be a low-priced individual or have plenty of girlfriends. Fyn Face went further to state that a man should be able to control his trousers, and ends by saying he is a perfect example of that.

Fyn Face’s comments have caused mixed reactions on social media as fans to storm the comments section of his page to give their opinion, some fans say surprised to hear such from a guy like fun face who has plenty of side chicks

One notable reaction on social media to find face’s comments

Bra dis guy has been just de back of wi ose na Aberdeen. E been de eat p**sy lek nobody’s business.
Lockdown all u man been de change baby dem😂😂😂