President Julius Maada Bio has joined Kenya’s president in raising his hand to show his commitment towards education.
The president in a tweet accompanied by a video wrote;
“I stand with President Kenyatta @StatehouseKenya and raise my hand for countries to prioritize domestic finance for education. Join me & #SierraLeone and #RaiseYourHand”
In the video the president started by showing his support to Kenya’s president and said the following;
“I stand firmly with my brother, His Excellency Uhuru Kenyate, President of the Republic of Kenya, and fully endorse his call for countries to prioritize, protect, and increase domestic finance set policies that leave no one behind.”
He continued that it was high time other heads of state made available resources within their budget in order to strengthen their National Education System.
“To ensure the efficient use of resources with international support behind our efforts to make more room in our budgets. Every government should take the lead in funding, and strengthen its own national education system.”
He continued that they should not allow COVID-19 to put their hard works backward.
“We cannot allow COVID to roll back to decades of progress in education, and especially gas education. We have the once in a generation opportunity to do things differently and to build a more equal and prosperous future for future generations.”
He ended by calling on other heads of states to join him in raising their hands for education.