The Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education, Yusuf Keketoma Sandi hosts China’s Hunan Broadcasting System with the hope that the Chinese TV will work with the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).

The Deputy Minister, in his statement, called for strong cooperation between China-based Hunan Broadcasting System and the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).

He continued his address to a delegation from the Hunan Broadcasting System at the Ministry of Information and Civic Education conference hall at Youyi Building expressing his thanks and appreciation to the Hunan Broadcasting team for choosing Sierra Leone.

He added that China and Sierra Leone have a rich history of cooperation. He also notified the visitors that since President Julius Maada Bio took office, Sierra Leone and China have enjoyed an excellent relationship underpinned by investment of Chinese companies in various sectors including mining.

He implied that he was motivated by the fact that one of President Bio’s foremost public service assignments was at the information and broadcasting, adding that he and the Minister are committed to transforming the national broadcasting corporation.

It is our desire that Hunan Broadcasting will support SLBC on digital migration, infrastructure development, exchange programmes and capacity building. We want the SLBC to be at the center of the broadcasting transformation in our country,” the Deputy Minister said.

The Director General of Hunan Broadcasting System, He Hui responded by expressing their intention to work with the SLBC adding that they were here to explore investment and partnership opportunities. He gave a brief history of the Hunan Broadcasting and its partnerships in other countries and invited the minister to a visit to their Province.

“I will like to invite you, Minister and your team, to Hunan Province for a first-hand experience on the operations and capacity of Hunan Broadcasting,” the Director General stated.

Members of the Hunan Broadcasting delegation are expected to visit the SLBC complex and undertake a tour of the facilities.