The newly transferred Local Unit Commander East, Chief Superintendent Augustine Alieu Konneh, conducted a familiarization tour.

As a way foster harmonious relationship between the police and the community, and to reinforce community policing principles in Kenema Division,
Konneh on Wednesday 4th September, 2024, met with the Area Policing Partnership Committee (APPC) and Community Safety Volunteer (CSV) members in different communities within Kenema City.

The visit spanned key areas within the Kenema municipality including the Lango Town Section, Murray Town Section, Sundehun Section, and Kpayama Section.

The Community Relations Officer, Sub Inspector Brima James Musa, revealed that the visit was to introduce the newly transferred Luc to the APPCs, CSVs, and stakeholders across the communities, and to also inform the LUC about the fundamental roles of the various communities have been providing, with regards security services, to their respective communities.

LUC A. A Konneh appreciated the efforts of the community stakeholders, APPCs,s, and CSVs and emphasized the importance of community engagement in policing. Konneh acknowledged their roles in enhancing security, urging them to continue with their support for law enforcement agencies.

He drew the attention of both the APPCs and CSVs to the unending support they have given to previous LUCs and encouraged them to maintain the same level of dedication and cooperation with his own administration, as well. He shed light on challenges normally faced by the community and revealed that the APPCs and CSVs have been instrumental in addressing these issues.

The Police Boss recognized their critical role in community policing and acknowledged that their efforts have greatly contributed to the stability and safety of Kenema City. He concluded by praising the APPCs and CSVs’ proactive approaches and encouraged them to continue working closely with the police to foster a safer environment.

Chief Lansana Brima of Kpayama, on behalf of various communities, welcomed the Luc and further maintained that fostering stronger ties between the community members underscores the importance of partnership in maintaining peace and security in the Kenema communities. He said the visit marks the beginning of a collaborative relationship that is expected to yield positive results for both the community and the police force.