The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Madam Fatmata Kargbo, took to the streets of Freetown with her team and a cross-section of trade chairpersons to engage with traders, market sellers, shop owners, and the general public.

This outreach aimed to counteract false messages circulating on social media, which urged traders to stay home on June 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2024.

Madam Kargbo educated the public on the baseless nature of these messages, emphasizing that they were the work of unpatriotic individuals attempting to incite panic and disorder. She called on traders to disregard such rumors and to continue their daily business activities undeterred.

Reflecting on similar past incidents, the Deputy Minister reminded the public of the importance of learning from history to avoid falling prey to misinformation. She urged everyone to stay vigilant and resist any attempts at incitement or misleading information that could disrupt their livelihoods.

Madam Kargbo reassured the public of the government’s commitment to maintaining peace and security, urging trust in President Dr. Julius Maada Bio and his administration. She highlighted President Bio’s achievements and the respect he commands internationally for his dedication to Sierra Leone’s development. The Deputy Minister noted that while there are detractors aiming to see the president fail, the solidarity of the people will ensure that these efforts are thwarted.

The engagement by the Deputy Minister was well-received by traders and the public. Many expressed relief and clarity following her visit, which helped dispel confusion and worry caused by the false messages. They pledged to continue their businesses as usual and to support the government’s efforts in maintaining stability and progress.

Traders joined Madam Kargbo in her efforts, helping to further educate their peers about the importance of ignoring misleading information and staying aligned with governmental directives. The public expressed admiration for the Deputy Minister’s dedication, referring to her as the “People’s Minister,” “Iron Lady,” and “Game Changer.”