As a way to strengthen Cross-border peace for sustainable livelihoods for cattle herders and crop farmers, the Government of Sierra Leone through the Minister of Internal Affairs alongside the Minister of Territory, Public Administration and Decentralization, Republic of Guinea, has inaugurated the newly built cross -border posts on both sides of the border between Sierra Leone and Guinea, in a ceremony held in Koindukura, Sulima Chiefdom Falaba District.

Explaining the rationale behind the inauguration, the Head of Office, International Organization Migration IOM- Sierra Leone, Christo Doulides Christo said the cross-border posts on both sides between the two countries are an achievement of the joint efforts of the World Food Programme WFP, Talking Drum Studio, the Peace Building Fund, and the implementing Agency IOM since 2021,
in close coordination with the line Ministries – the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

He echoed that the underlining purpose of the cross-border posts is to address different needs related to border management and for activities that will bring together representatives from both sides of the border to be committed to facilitating cross-border cooperation through the project and beyond.

Mr. Christo further expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of the United Nations – Sierra Leone Office, to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Minister of Internal Affairs David Panda-Noah for their esteemed leadership and steadfast efforts made to tackle the cross-border issues, including transhumance-related conflicts and border management needs.

He concluded by assuring that they will look forward to supporting the Government’s efforts, to not only consolidate but also expand integrated border management in Sierra Leone.

In his statement the Paramount Chief of Sulima Chiefdom, Falaba District PC Dr. Manga Salifu applauded the Government of Sierra Leone and their partners for such a huge and developmental project to boost the livelihoods of the two sister countries, Sierra Leone and Guinea. He pleaded with the Government of Sierra Leone through the Minister of Internal Affairs David Panda-Noah to look with utmost concern into their poor road network leading to the cross-border as they are seriously constrained to easily access the road.

Guinea”s Minister of Territory, Public Administration,n and Decentralization Mory Conde made his statement in support of the project.

Representatives from both Countries who graced the occasion expressed delight and gratitude in their statements in support of the cross-border posts.

While welcoming the delegates from the Republic of Guinea, the keynote speaker, Chief unveiler and Minister of Internal Affairs David Panda-Noah on behalf of His Excellency the President Dr. Julius Maada Bio, and the people of Sierra Leone expressed appreciation to their donor partners for supporting the Priorities of the Government of the Mano River Union, Sierra Leone and Guinea in completing the peacebuilding project within the Falaba District in Sierra Leone and the Faranah Prefecture in Guinea.

He highlighted the outcomes of the project which among others were the livelihoods and strong border management, social cohesion,n, and economic and environmental issues. He noted that he was privileged and humbled to join the IOM and WFP at a time when multilateral organizations like the UN have thought it necessary to help out with multiple economic, climate, and environmental issues.

“I am with the firm conviction that with the implementation of this project communities in the Falaba District and the Faranah Prefecture will benefit from the improved cross-border regulations to promote peaceful co-existence between cattle herders and crop farmers”, Panda-Noah affirmed.

He reiterated that both Countries have come a long way with many developmental strides and they should therefore embrace such benefits from their partner organizations. He added that bringing people together is a great privilege and that the peacebuilding cross-border posts are to promote and resolve early warning signs of conflicts in the communities.

He further assured the delegates that the roads leading to the cross-border will be duly improved for easy access.

He concluded by assuring the meeting that the Government of Sierra Leone will do its utmost to promote and offer its unflinching support toward the sustainability of the project and to plicate the success in other border communities.

Following the statements, both Ministers from the two countries visited together each newly built post – first cutting the tapes, declaring the posts open,n and inspecting the posts.

Each post will house the Police, Customs Officers, National Revenue Authority Officers, Immigration Officers, and Military from their respective Countries. The ceremony climaxed with the Minister of Internal Affairs unveiling a plaque dedicated to the IOM for completing the KOINDUKURA Customs Border Post.