In a powerful address at the inaugural Africa Urban Forum, Dr. Turad Senesie, Minister of Lands, Housing, and Country Planning of Sierra Leone, presented a bold vision for the future of urban development in Africa.

Speaking to an assembly of African leaders, ministers, mayors, and development partners, the Minister underscored Sierra Leone’s strategic efforts to transform land management and create resilient, sustainable cities.

Central to Minister Senesie’s speech was Sierra Leone’s pivotal role as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. He highlighted how the country is leveraging this global platform to address the root causes of conflict while advocating for peace, stability, and sustainable urbanization. According to the Minister, without peace, Africa’s aspirations for inclusive, resilient cities cannot be achieved.

Shifting focus to Sierra Leone’s domestic agenda, Dr. Senesie outlined a series of groundbreaking land management reforms designed to tackle the challenges posed by rapid urbanization. Key initiatives include the modernization of outdated land laws, the introduction of transparent land registration systems, and the digitization of land records to ensure secure land tenure and equitable access for all citizens.

The Minister reaffirmed Sierra Leone’s commitment to regional cooperation, urging African nations to work together to promote policies that encourage inclusive growth, secure land rights, and urban resilience. The Africa Urban Forum, he noted, serves as a crucial platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration among nations focused on sustainable urban development.

Dr. Senesie’s speech reinforced Sierra Leone’s active engagement in both regional and global arenas, positioning the nation as a key player in the future of Africa’s urban development and its commitment to peace and prosperity.