Sierra Leone’s government has doubled down on its commitment to eradicating the dangerous Kush drug, according to a statement from Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh and Social Welfare Minister Melrose Karminty.

Following a recent town hall meeting, the officials emphasized transparency and collaboration in tackling the issue. Minister Karminty assured the public they would be informed about past actions, ongoing efforts, and future plans.

Highlighting Government Initiatives:

Community Awareness: Government ministries have mobilized to undertake community sensitization campaigns funded by the state. This initiative demonstrates the government’s deep concern about the Kush epidemic.

Rehabilitation Center: In an effort to avoid stigmatizing addicts, President Bio directed the establishment of a government-funded rehabilitation center. The center provides care and hopes to rehabilitate victims, offering them a second chance at life.

Collaboration: Minister Karminty commended the military, police, Ministry of Health, and social workers for their vital roles in managing the rehab center. Staff includes a coordinator, a home mother, and a home father, and the center provides three meals a day for residents.

This renewed push by the Sierra Leonean government reflects the growing urgency to combat the devastating effects of the Kush drug.