In a move to ensure top-notch quality control within the tourism sector, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with the National Tourist Board (NTB), convened with the management of Radisson Blu and Bintumani Hotels on Thursday, December 7th, 2023.

This meeting, a part of the routine oversight of tourism establishments, aimed to address concerns highlighted during previous inspections conducted by the NTB. The focus was on enhancing the quality of products and services to meet and exceed the industry’s expected standards for private-sector operators.

Acknowledging the government’s stance on maintaining elevated standards, both Radisson Blu and Bintumani Hotels expressed their commitment to complying fully with these directives.

Led by the esteemed Minister, Mrs. Nabeela Tunis, the delegation comprised key figures including the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Kadijatu Grace Kamara, the Permanent Secretary Edward Kwame Yankson, the Director of Tourism Mohamed Jalloh, and the General Manager of the National Tourist Board, Fatmata Hamid Carew. Each participant actively engaged in the discussions to ensure a clear understanding and commitment to upholding the industry’s high standards.

This engagement signifies the government’s dedication to fostering excellence in the tourism sector, emphasizing the importance of quality and compliance among key players for the advancement of the country’s tourism industry.