The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has deployed forty-three (43) payment teams across five districts. The essence of the deployment is to ensure speed and accuracy in payments and maintain the highest level of community participation, accountability and transparency.
Each payment team comprises representatives from NaCSA, the Anti-Corruption Commission and Rokel Commercial Bank. Though with individual functions, the team worked collaboratively towards achieving the same objective; disbursement of unconditional cash to extremely poor targeted and enrolled Sierra Leoneans. NaCSA takes the lead in ensuring that all administrative and other related matters necessary for an efficient payment are in place. The ACC has District and Community Monitors; these Monitors ensure that payment is in line with established protocols and keep records of grievances while responding to corruption related matters. Rokel Commercial Bank is the Payment Service Provider, it functions primarily to pay beneficiaries certified by NaCSA and ACC.
On Saturday, 31st October, 2021, NaCSA announced the commencement of payment of beneficiaries of the Covid-19 Ep Fet Po in Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba, Kono and Kenema districts. It is expected that at the end of payment across the named districts, a total of Eleven Thousand, Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven (11,227) should have received their benefits. This means that the sum of Thirty Billion, Two Hundred and Ninety Two Million and Seventy -Six Thousand Leones (13,292,076,000) will be dispersed across the five districts.
In its efforts to ensure that the beneficiaries use the benefits for its intended purpose, and with support from the World Bank, the Commission has provided behavioral change messages to all beneficiaries. This is to enhance beneficiaries’ financial literacy and income generation capacities, understanding of gender and violence against women and girls, early childhood education and health, nutrition and wash.